Sunday, June 18, 2017


I'm starting to sew the triangle borders together.  Here's an example of a few blocks.  Oops!  I need to correct this!  I'm working on putting all the blocks together and will show you soon!

I received a beautiful basket of flowers for Mother's Day, but a couple weeks ago we noticed some robins flying into the basket with grass in their beaks.  Here is the result.  This morning whoever was sitting on the eggs took a break, so I stood on a stool to take this picture.  The basket is right outside our front door and front windows.

I think they are due to hatch in a couple days, but don't know for sure exactly when the eggs were laid.  It takes 2 weeks to incubate them and then they grow in the nest for a couple more weeks before they fly away.  I can't wait to see them!

Love put a link to a video of a baby robin hatching here.  


  1. Did you paper piece the triangle blocks? They are well done.

  2. Looks like you need to spend some quality time with the seams ripper. I know that robin's eggs are blue but I never thought they were THAT blue! Wow! Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  3. Tee Hee. Good to know an "accomplished" piecer makes "oops" once in a while.

    Wish Robins would stick around here for more than a day or two. We so enjoyed listening to their song when we were up in the Midwest this spring for our grandson's wedding.

  4. It's just a little "oops", easy to fix. Looks pretty so far! Have fun watching the eggs hatch, they are such a pretty color of blue!

  5. Nice to catch up on your doings! Loves, lovely flag quilt!! What a treat have such a sweet front tow seat to view the life of the Robins!! Your triangle blocks are wonderful! Always love your projects!

    Blessings and hugs!

  6. Love the blue eggs. We have a mama bird that has a nest in one of our potted flowers every year now for four years. No mess from this bird type. The cats just love watching and me too.

  7. Oh dear! You'll have to hunt for your ripper! I'm sure it's been a long time since you had to use it. Anyway, your border is going to be beautiful! I wish I could have put the egg I found back in the nest, but even if I could see it, I couldn't get up there. So I'll just look forward to seeing your pictures. Happy bird watching! ---"Love"

  8. Your triangle blocks look really good--now if they will just line up properly!
    Love the story of your basket and the robins. Just came from "Love"'s blog and read about her finding the egg. It kind of confused me when I started reading about your eggs. A bit of deja vu. : )

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one to sew things the wrong way. Perhaps you've been distracted by those beautiful blue eggs and the chicks about to hatch from them!

  10. what a sweet nest! lucky you - I can't wait to see the babies
    lovely DJ triangles.
