After making the doll quilt with the stars, I decided to get out my box containing some stars already made and fabric cut out to make more. I found that I had some ready to stitch. All these stars finish at 4".
Then I was looking through my other pieces and saw that I didn't have enough to make stars of all the same fabric, so I wondered how they would look if I just made some scrappy ones.
I used up the last of some of these fabrics. I like them! I think I'll alternate some with scrappy strip blocks.
Guess what! My "Faithful" quilt is ready to baste! Finally!! I just have to sew on the yo yos that are going to be the flowers in the basket first.
I have 3 doll quilts ready for basting as well.
Saturday I went on an architectural tour of some historic buildings in McMinnville, OR with my DIL and DGD. The first building was the Spanish Restaurant and we got to see the apartment on the second floor. It was lived in by the owner, but now it's a vacation rental.
Spanish Restaurant building built in about 1894 - I took this picture right before Christmas. |
The following pictures are of the second floor of one of the buildings - it was built around 1911 I believe. The owners live in the 9,000 sq. ft. second floor and have restored it to the original design as much as possible. Included in the apartment is a 1900 sq. ft. ball room as well as a couple large work shops. Here are some of the items in the apartment.
The following few pictures are of the bathroom. I love these clawfoot tubs!
A cute frog lives on the edge of the tub. |
Dressing table is in the bathroom as well. |
This Frank Lloyd Wright designed window is in the entry door to the apartment!
The Cozine House was built in the late 1800s and is now home to the McMinnville Downtown Association.
As you can see, we had a gorgeous day for the tour!