I was thinking about both of my parents more than usual this week, because Daddy's birthday was May 7, and of course, today is Mother's Day. Both of my parents were born in 1911 and they were married for 65 years. Daddy was almost 90 when he went home to be with the Lord, and Mama was 92.
Do any of you remember watching the TV show in the 50's "I Remember Mama?" That was my Mom's favorite show at that time, probably mostly because we are Norwegian. It would be fun to see some of those episodes again, but I don't think they are available.

Mama loved to embroider and these are a set of pillowcases she made, but never used or gave away. We found them in her drawer after she died.

Look at all that satin stitching!! I would never want to do this pattern because I'm not very good at satin stitching. And the edging is all hand done blanket stitching! Up until the last few years of her life, she always seemed to have some embroidery to work on. She made several of those cross-stitched quilts - I'm not sure how many, but I think the one she made for our wedding gift was the first one. I'm sure it's because of her example that I have always loved to sew and embroider. Not that I haven't had dry spells, but I've always enjoyed many kinds of needle work.

I received this cute little pin cushion from my Secret Pal at work! I had never seen one of these before and it is really clever how the thread is held on by a strip of seam binding. How handy!

DH had hernia surgery on Thursday, so I was at home taking care of him. While he slept, I worked on these log cabin blocks. I made 60 of them

This is a doll quilt that I finished a week ago. I like how it looks on my rocker!

Yesterday I received a phone call from my DS#3, who is in Iraq now. He called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. He has just been promoted to Major!!!
I hope all you mothers have a wonderful Mother's Day!