I couldn't wait any longer to show you my sewing room (studio?)! Not everything is organized yet, but all the major components are here. WARNING: long post that could bore you!
Here is the entry to my sewing room. My Dear Jane poster is on the door and just inside, is a little quilt straight ahead. If you don't turn to the right as soon as you enter, you will walk into a wall. I posted about that little quilt and explained the hanging system
Entry to sewing room |
As you enter and look to the right, this is what you will see
Entering sewing room |
Turning to the right you will first see the bookcase, then a closet and straight ahead is a cabinet.
I have always wanted a quilt cabinet and I had one in Texas, but sold it (because we didn't know if we would be able to fit everything in a rented truck). I found this one at a "barn" sale! I like the faux pie safe inserts in the doors. I like seeing my quilts piled inside and I am keeping most of my civil war fabrics in the top drawer. On top is one of my Madame Alexander dolls from my childhood and a few other things.
Quilt cabinet |
To the left of the quilt cabinet is my ironing station, which is a chest of drawers that I bought at a garage sale for $5 and DH painted. I then put an ironing board cut to size on top.
Above the ironing station I have some little quilts hanging from antique yard sticks and a knick knack shelf I got at an estate sale.
These little quilts are all made by me, except the one on the bottom right. Joan, from
Keeping you in Stitches, sent it to me. The top left is a quilt I saw on
Inspired by Antique Quilts. Top right was a block of the week from Temecula Quilt Company. Bottom left was leftover HSTs from a baby quilt and bottom middle was from the Jo Morton's Little Women's class that I attended in Arlington, Texas taught by Betsy Chutchian at the Lone Star Quilt Shop.
Little quilts hanging from antique yardsticks. |
The Knick Knack shelf has a sewing machine tea pot that my sister gave me, 2 more Madame Alexander dolls of mine and a few other things. I still need find more things to put in it.
In the far corner is a computer desk that I got at a private sale. It has what I wanted - room for my computer, a TV on the top shelf and underneath where you can't see it is a shelf for the printer. When I'm seated at my sewing machine I can look right across at the TV or computer screen. To the left is another little quilt from Jo's Little Women class, a quilt calendar and a hand painted barn with pegs to hang things on.
Computer Desk |
If I turn around with my back to the desk, this is what I see. My sewing table is right in front of me with the design wall behind it.
I love my sewing table and it is situated at the lightest spot in the room by the window. Right in front of it is a doll bed which will probably be moved somewhere else, but I'm not sure where right now.
To the left of the window I have another doll quilt hanging from an antique wooden hanger. The quilt is from Kathleen Tracy's book
American Doll Quilts. Underneath is a counted cross stitch that I made of an Amish quilt auction. I stitched that before I started making quilts. Then of course, 2 thread racks and a cabinet with my serger on it.
Medallion Quilt and "The Auction" |
Around the corner is my design wall which you can see above and to the left of the design wall is a 9 hole shelf with 4 "baskets" in it and another shelf thing sitting on top. All my stuff in these is not really organized yet, but in the bottom 9-hole shelf I have some magazines, thread, embroidery floss in the middle section, etc. etc.
This brings us back to the door and the bookcase to the left of the door (or if you are entering, it's to your right). This isn't very well organized yet, either, except that I have put most of my quilting books and notebooks on the bottom shelf. On top of it is a 4-drawer cabinet that has thread in it and on top of that are my jars of buttons.
Above the bookcase on the left is an octagonal wood that my sister painted using the Norwegian Rosemaling designs. The yellow frame is what DH got for me and it has tiny clothespins to hang things, such as pictures, doll clothes, reminders, etc.
By the way, I recently obtained this little buggy (guess where from) the doll sleeping in the doll bed can sit in when she's not sleeping.
If you have made it this far without being totally bored to death, we are now at the end and you have seen almost all that there is to see in my sewing room. Notice I left the closet doors closed as I don't want to shock you too much!
Thanks for visiting!