I'm afraid I didn't work on my string project very much this month, but I did make about 3 1/2 blocks and added them to what I had already done. I love how this is coming together, but don't know how large I will make it.
You can check with Lori of Humble Quilts to see what other have been doing with their strings. A good way to get ideas!
I haven't blogged much this month because I have been trying to concentrate on quilting. Here are some of the projects that I have been working on.
This HST lap quilt was started years ago when I got the idea of making a large HST quilt. Each HST finishes at 3". I had them stored in a shoebox size bin for years and finally decided that I would make a lap quilt and get them used. This is about 64" square and it is basted and ready to quilt - I just have to decide how I'm going to quilt it. I hope to get it quilted next week.
This Christmas table runner has been in the quilting pile (already basted since early this year, I think) and I decided to get it quilted and finished.
I quilted this Christmas quilt for a friend.
Another small table runner that was in the "ready to quilt" pile. It's all done now.
I bought this panel a few months ago and forgot about it. It was on sale for $5 at Grandma's Attic in Dallas, OR. I love that shop! I found some fabric for a border and quilted it. It's ready to have the binding sewn by hand on the back.
We can't believe what a mild summer we had here. Not many days in the 90s and NO days when it reached 100º. We haven't had any rain for months, except for some brief (and I mean brief) sprinkles. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!