Saturday, August 31, 2019


I'm afraid I didn't work on my string project very much this month, but I did make about 3 1/2 blocks and added them to what I had already done.  I love how this is coming together, but don't know how large I will make it.  

You can check with Lori of Humble Quilts to see what other have been doing with their strings.  A good way to get ideas!

I haven't blogged much this month because I have been trying to concentrate on quilting.  Here are some of the projects that I have been working on.

This HST lap quilt was started years ago when I got the idea of making a large HST quilt.  Each HST finishes at 3".  I had them stored in a shoebox size bin for years and finally decided that I would make a lap quilt and get them used.  This is about 64" square and it is basted and ready to quilt - I just have to decide how I'm going to quilt it.  I hope to get it quilted next week.

This Christmas table runner has been in the quilting pile (already basted since early this year, I think) and I decided to get it quilted and finished.

I quilted this Christmas quilt for a friend.

Another small table runner that was in the "ready to quilt" pile.  It's all done now.

I bought this panel a few months ago and forgot about it.  It was on sale for $5 at Grandma's Attic in Dallas, OR.  I love that shop!  I found some fabric for a border and quilted it.  It's ready to have the binding sewn by hand on the back.

We can't believe what a mild summer we had here.  Not many days in the 90s and NO days when it reached 100º.  We haven't had any rain for months, except for some brief (and I mean brief) sprinkles.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I love it when the local farmer starts selling fresh corn!  The first time I looked, they didn't have any so I went a little farther from town to another farm where I had heard that they had corn.  This is the barn that's farther away.

Bernards Farm - this is a great barn!

They have a huge garden full of zinnias.

The next time I was able to get corn and wonderful berries from Draper Farm right on the edge of my town.

Draper Farm

Here are a few more quilts from the Powerland Quilt Show:

The next two quilts were made by a former owner of a quilt shop that specialized in civil war reproduction fabrics that recently went out of business in Independence, OR.

I hope you don't have to endure too much heat this month.  Soon the weather will start changing!

Friday, August 2, 2019


Yesterday I went to the Yamhill County Fair in McMinnville, Oregon (where I live).  I had entered 2 wall hangings and wanted to see them plus whatever else was there.

I won a 3rd place ribbon for this one (the Merry Christmas wall hanging).

I won a blue ribbon and Best of Show for this one!
Do you believe that these next 2 pictures show all the quilts that were entered in the fair this year?  I was kind of shocked!  There aren't usually a lot more than these, but this is the least I have seen in the last 5 years.  Probably one reason is that they don't really have a very good system for displaying them so you can see the whole quilt.  Too bad.  

A friend of mine entered this gourd and won a blue ribbon.  

The wolves are on the back of the same gourd.

There were a lot of gourds and I like seeing them.  Here are a few more.


It's fun to see the animals.

This pig is really PINK!! (as it should be)

The state fair is held in Salem which isn't too far away, so I'm thinking about entering a different quilt in that fair.  Do any of my readers enter their quilts in their state fair?  Also, do you enter the same quilt in several different fairs or shows?