When I saw the "candy" canes on
La Vie En Rosie I wanted to make them right away. So I got busy and all the directions are there. I had a hard time at first, but eventually, I widened the stick part a little so it was easier to stuff them. I have to say it wasn't really fun turning and stuffing them, but I really liked them when I got them finished. I decided to continue with the directions to stiffen them and dye them a little, then paint on sparkly stuff. I'm not sure I would dye or sparkle them next time - if I ever do them again. I ran out of sparkle, so some of them don't sparkle all the way down.

If you go to her web site you will see how she arranged them in a tin bucket and I really like how hers looks. I'm not finished arranging mine and I'm going to give some away, so I won't have that many in my basket. I just stuffed them in for now.

I got some berries & greenery to put in the basket, so I think it will look better after I rearrange them.

A special little GD is having her first Christmas this year! Her birthday is Dec. 29, so she will have a birthday soon too! Here she is taking her first steps.

I will be sending her stocking to her this week. I had almost a whole year to get it finished!! The stocking is a dark red - the color didn't come out real well in the picture.

Now on to another project - and I'll be finished for this year! Woo
Hoo!! I'll have to post pictures after Christmas. Good luck finishing up your projects too!