Sunday, March 23, 2025


 Here are some more quilts from the Oregon Quilt Festival held in Salem, Oregon.  This first one is another one with houses in it.


For some unknown reason, my computer won't let me download any more picture to this blog, so I'm afraid that this will be it!  Thankfully, I will be getting a new computer in the next couple days and hopefully, everything from this old one will transfer over.  I was trying to find my "Life Story" that I had been working on and I finally did find it in the cloud, but it said that it might be compromised.  I'm hoping that it can be saved.  Yesterday I went through a lot of pictures and deleted a lot that I just don't really need, so I hope that will help the transfer.

Guess what?  Spring has officially arrived!  We have been getting a lot of rain in celebration.  My daffodils have been blooming for a couple weeks already!  I want to plant a lot of flowers this spring.

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. That Pledge quilt is especially impressive.
    I hope the transfer of everything to your new computer goes well, and we'll look forward to being able to see more photos. :)
