Saturday, August 14, 2021


 This was hanging in my closet for years and I finally finished the cross stitching on it!  I started this at least 11 years ago and due to the thickness of the area where the cross stitching was done, it was not fun to work on, so it went in the closet.  But NOW it is DONE!!  What is it?  It's a denim shirt with an eagle on the back. 

Another finish is this quilt named "Betsy" that I made for a customer in Indiana.  I returned the book to her and didn't write down the name of the designer.  All the fabrics were found in the civil war reproduction section of the quilt shop and that's why I asked the question about how to determine if the fabric is actually a reproduction.  However, some of the fabrics just worked with the pattern and I don't really know if they are repros.

This close up shows some of the fabrics better.

The backing color didn't turn out very well and the sunlight makes it look weird, but it is a Jo Morton fabric and is a darker brown .

Other news is that I entered a couple quilts in the Yamhill County Fair and won 2 ribbons.

2nd place

Pineapple Nine Patch - Blue Ribbon

That's about all the news I have today.  It has been very hot this week and got above 100º a couple days.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 In my June 2 post, I talked about making strip blocks and told you about my LQS's special 25% off for quilter's birthday week.  I finished the strip block top and it is now ready to baste.

This will be a twin size donation quilt that I will keep until it is needed.  The border is 4" wide.

On Monday I went to my LQS, Boersma's, for my birthday shopping trip.  Here are some pictures of the fabric that I bought.

The first three on the left above will be for the quilt I'm making with 18" blocks that I worked on in Florida.  It was pictured a few blogs ago.

The fabric on the left above will be used in a queen sized quilt.

Some of the fabrics I bought are needed to finish quilt tops.  I also purchased 3 yards of white and some white grunge, which you can see in one of the pictures.  I got some good advice from one of the workers at the shop.  She is excellent for helping me pick out fabrics to go with other fabrics.  I love the colorful leaves and will be making some zippered pouches with them.  

Right now, I need to get busy and do some basting.  Besides the strip quilt I have a BOM lap quilt to baste and another lap size quilt.  

I have a question about civil war reproduction fabric.  This is my favorite type of fabric and most quilt shops have a section set aside just for this category.  How do we know that the fabrics in that section are actually a reproduction of some civil war era fabric (or any other year repro)  when it doesn't say anything on the fabric?  Is there a way to find out for sure? 

Tomorrow, I will be going to the Yamhill County Fair to see if my quilt entries have won anything and to see all the other quilts that were entered.

Thanks for visiting!