Yesterday I received my doll quilt from Sandy as participants in Lori's doll quilt exchange! Lori has been doing this for about 7 years and it is such fun! I love my quilt, made with broken dishes blocks. I am amazed at the variety of fabrics in it and there are only 2 fabrics that I have had in my stash - all the others are new to me. I just love it!
This is the back of the quilt, which has another beautiful fabric on it! Thanks, Sandy! She even hand quilted it.
I took this picture early this morning on my favorite chair for taking small quilt pictures. You can't really see the chair, but I kind of liked the dark shading of the photo.
And here is a photo of the doll quilt that I made and sent to Patty. I machine quilted mine.
I like to take pictures of doll quilts with a doll model. This is Albert, my boy doll that had belonged to my Mom.

Hopefully, you all are doing well and keeping busy by quilting and possibly even cleaning out closets! I plan on organizing at least one closet, but haven't don't it yet. I hope I get to it before they open up the state because if I don't, I'm afraid I will put it off some more. Yesterday I wasted a couple hours on the phone getting a quote for car and house insurance, only to find out that they recommended that I keep the company I have! At least they were honest about it.
So, happy quilting to you all!
This is the back of the quilt, which has another beautiful fabric on it! Thanks, Sandy! She even hand quilted it.
I took this picture early this morning on my favorite chair for taking small quilt pictures. You can't really see the chair, but I kind of liked the dark shading of the photo.
And here is a photo of the doll quilt that I made and sent to Patty. I machine quilted mine.
I like to take pictures of doll quilts with a doll model. This is Albert, my boy doll that had belonged to my Mom.
Thanks to Lori for organizing this exchange!!
On to another topic.....The house quilt that I blogged about on March 28. I finally got the batting I had ordered. I had already marked the quilt top using Barb's large fan template. This is the first time that I have ever used the Flexion pen, but I finally bought one.
Yesterday I basted the quilt and started quilting it.

Hopefully, you all are doing well and keeping busy by quilting and possibly even cleaning out closets! I plan on organizing at least one closet, but haven't don't it yet. I hope I get to it before they open up the state because if I don't, I'm afraid I will put it off some more. Yesterday I wasted a couple hours on the phone getting a quote for car and house insurance, only to find out that they recommended that I keep the company I have! At least they were honest about it.
So, happy quilting to you all!