Friday, July 13, 2018


When I got ready to quilt two table runners, I was trying to figure out how to quilt them and I finally decided to use the Baptist fan stencil, which is becoming my favorite way to quilt things - especially small things.  I like the large stencil that I got from Barb even on small items like table runners.  

I had these stars already done and found them in a box, along with the stripy blocks which I just had to make a few more of,  and put this table runner together.  I had to go get some more brown fabric and my quilting buddy and I went to Grandma's Attic in Dallas, OR - which is our 2nd favorite quilt shop.  I got the brown for the border there.

I also bought the backing fabric, which was on the sale shelf for only $3.00 per yard - there were 2 yards left on the bolt!  You can see the quilting better from the back.

I don't remember if I showed this "bright kitty" fabric before, but I purchased a yard of it at a shop in Des Moines, Iowa in April.  I made a table runner with different size blocks and have the kittys facing in all directions, so if it's on a table you can see the kitties from each side.

Again, the fan quilting seemed to work best and I quilted it with a gold thread, but used a purple and pinkish variegated thread for the black border.

We went to a quilt guild meeting on Monday and I won a kit for this lap quilt, which I put together today.  I have the backing ready to go and need to see if I have enough batting to baste it - I don't think I do.

The weather is very hot this week, but not up to 100º.  The 90s is hot enough for me.  My echinacea plant just started to bloom.

The humming birds love this crocosmia flower. Unfortunately, it doesn't last very long.

This is what's left of the hosta planted in front of my house in the shade after the deer ate all the leaves and the one flower from it.  I think next year I'll just plant some more begonias because they seem to do fine there.

Keep cool everyone!


  1. That kitty fabric is awesome! The other projects are fantastic as well, of course, and the quilting looks great! It's hot here too and I'm not enjoying it it much, but I know its not that far off we'll be complaining about cold, so I try to keep it all in perspective!

  2. Your stripey star table runner is really pretty! The cats are cute too; I have a friend who would love that one. How lucky to win a quilt kit; glad you got that together too. You have been busy! Your flowers are beautiful. I have had very few blooms of any kind this year. It rained all around me this past week, and I didn't get even a sprinkle! Tomorrow we start a full week of over 100 degrees! So I'll not even gripe about no flowers; I'll just try to stay cool. ---"Love"

  3. I have Barb's stencil, but have yet to try it. I want to use it on the half log cabin quilt currently on my design wall, but my shoulder isn't ready to push a big quilt around, yet.
    Very fun kitty fabric!

  4. I think the deer like begonias too!

    The fan quilting was just right on these quilts!! Nice job!

  5. I need to get that fan stencil. I've been wanting to try it on a couple of quilts. You are using your sewing machine, right? It looks great on your table topper. I recently bought a red begonia plant and put it out front for the 4th of July and caught the deer munching on it this morning. I think they like to eat just about everything. Love your sew a long log cabin. Stay cool!!!

  6. Yay for fan quilting - looks great.
    I like your stars and string blocks together.
    pretty flowers
