Friday, February 24, 2023

Winter is Still Here

I can't believe it's 22º here this morning!!  We rarely have it below freezing.  Yesterday we got at least 3" of snow, maybe more.  This picture was taken before it had snowed a lot.  I went out in the afternoon and the roads were fine.

A friend of mine has asked me to make a Christmas quilt that she saw in the window of our local quilt shop.  She purchased the fabrics and I got the pattern - Plaid Pines by Lori Holt.  I haven't done much on it yet because I'm now waiting for the shop to get the ruler in that will make it a lot easier to cut the pieces properly.  

In the mean time I have been quite busy as I am involved with 2 quilt guilds, and I'm secretary of one of those.  That involves being very involved with all their activities, taking minutes of each meeting, as well as sending out a newsletter every month.  I have figured out how to make the newsletter somewhat interesting, but it is still a chore.

Last week I was looking at Pinterest and got inspired to make some zipper bags.  I went through some of my patterns and decided to make this bag.  It called for a charm pack - which I just happened to have in a drawer!  Since I had enough I decided to make 4 while I was at it.  I just have to put the zipper in one and they will be all done.  The main problem with these is the hand sewing of the zippers and bindings on top and the bottom.  The pattern is "button bag" from This & That Patterns.  They measure approximately 9" x 11".

Last month at the quilt show in Salem, I purchased some fabrics from Lori ( and I made this little quilt to hang on a chair by the front door.  Some of the pieces I got had pictures of presidents and I put them in this little quilt.  George Washington is in the middle and the other ones are miscellaneous presidents put in the order of their service.

Here's a closer up view.

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, February 3, 2023

More Quilts from the Oregon Quilt Festival

This post is picture heavy of quilts from the quilt show last week.  So many wonderful quilts!  Enjoy!


The pattern for this one  (Songbird by Laura Heine) was published in the American Quilter Magazine from May, 2019.  I wanted to make it and worked on it some, but just didn't know what to do so it has been sitting in a bin.  Now, however, my quilt guild is having a workshop to make another one of Laura's collage quilts.  Hopefully, I will learn something and be able to finish this one.

I love this one and think it deserved a ribbon!

If you got to the bottom, thanks for visiting!