Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 I have been a really bad slacker again!  However, I have been busy.  Saturday, I decided to make a list and set some priorities.  I won't bore you with the list, but just let you know there are a lot of items on it.  Things that I need to get finished, some of which go back a long way.  I'm not going to set an impossible goal, like getting this all done before the end of the year or anything.  I just wanted to be aware of them.  I also need to organize my fabric stash so I can find things easier.

Here are some of the things I have been working on.  This cat quilt is basted and just needs to be quilted and bound.  I have made several of this quilt and have sold them.

This Christmas quilt was a BOM at my guild.  I made 2 of some of them in order to have enough for a larger quilt.  It's not large enough for a bed, more like a couch lap quilt.  I need to add a border.

I just realized that I have this red/gold fabric (that I got at a garage sale a couple weeks ago) and I think I'll use it for the border.

This last one will be a donation quilt to a  place that takes in battered women and their children.  My guild makes mostly twin size quilts because everyone that comes in there gets a quilt for their bed and gets to keep it when they leave.  I need to get a backing for it and get it finished.  I have 2 more donation tops that I'm working on - all scrappy.

The weather is changing!  Yea!!  No more 90º temperatures!  DH is making progress slowly from his mini stroke and we are starting to think about plans for the holidays.  Happy fall everyone!