I'm going to start using Bloglovin and hopefully it will transfer all the blogs I follow. Google Reader is going away soon and I have lots of blogs on my list. I am not happy with them as they already have changed Google Reader and it's not working like it used to.
="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4276093/?claim=y8wrv2gxwb8">Follow my blog with Bloglovin
If any of you have signed up with Bloglovin, let me know how it is working for you.
I'm almost finished with my Civil War quilt. I just have the border to quilt and the binding to put on. I'll have it finished by Monday night's quilters guild meeting!
My quilting pattern for the pieced blocks comes from this block.
Order Number 11, Civil War Block #40 |
I used this template that DH made for me to mark each block, which had to be done with a marker for dark fabric and another marker for light fabric. I find it very hard to quilt following a line, so my quilting has some zigs and zags in it.
This one has a zig in it. They probably all do, so if I stopped to rip out every one, I would never get finished. I'm hoping that the over all effect of the quilting will draw the eyes to the good parts! There are 52 pieced blocks in the quilt as this QAL lasted a full year and there was a block every week.
Finishing this quilt is my priority for the next few days. Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a quilty weekend!